implant prosthesis

implant prostheses

English focus texts

Please note
(lay term)

Simon H, Yanase RT. Terminology for Implant Prostheses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18:539-543.

Definition from Glossary

Usage- a prosthesis is not an implantable device. Dental prosthesis such as crown and other fixed dental prostheses, removable dental prostheses as well as maxillofacial prostheses can be supported and retained in part or whole by dental implants. Terminology to assist in understanding the means of retention and support should be limited to concatenation of three and no more than four adjectives to provide clarity. Descriptive terminology may include the method of retention, composition, nature of support, design characteristics, and form of anchorage

i˘m′plănt′ pro˘s-thē′si˘s